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What tactics do you use to define your target audience?

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When thinking about your target audience, do you have a clear image of your ideal customer, their motivations, challenges, goals and personal traits?

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Are your Sales & Marketing teams aligned on the criteria to qualify a lead, nurturing and follow up responsibilities?

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What is the average timeline to follow up with a prospect from inquiry submission?

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On your website, can visitors subscribe to a newsletter that would be sent to them on a regular basis from your organization?

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On your website, can visitors download a piece of valuable content for free (e.g. ebook) in exchange for some information about them?

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When sending emails, do you adapt the content you’re sending to each person based on the information you have on the recipients?

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Do you have a document informing Marketing & Sales of existing and planned content, for which audience, campaign/ event it is related to?

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Before contacting a prospect, are Sales aware of what interactions and history they had with your business already?

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What types of content do Sales have access to or use to share with leads and customers?

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Are Sales using social media to contact leads and research further information to better engage with them?

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Are Sales active on their personal social media accounts? e.g. sharing content, joining industry conversations, etc.

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A round of applause for your spirit of discovery and reflection. Starting to look into what works and what's missing in your marketing and sales means you're starting to ask the right questions already. The score you see is indicative, but just answering those questions gave you more insight than any score could ever do, didn't it? If you're interested to further explore marketing & sales best practices, feel free to check out our Resources page or Blog, where you can find some useful content around lead generation, qualification, content marketing and sales enablement. If you'd like to get some personalized advice on each topic by email, feel free to leave your details below, and our experts will share some insights with you within 1 business day.

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